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Welcome To The Bay Area Leo Club!


What DO we do?

As the youth version of the International Lions Club, we participate in community service events and projects focused in Burlingame, San Mateo, and Hillsborough. We are devoted to improving our community through volunteering and leadership. Our biggest and most recent project has been the ongoing TREX recycling challenge. Some other projects and events we've helped out in are beach/ park cleanups, festivals, and food banks. 

Annual Bayfront Beach Clean Up

On Sunday the Burlingame Leo Club participated in the annual bayfront beach clean-up at Ryder Park in San Mateo.

TREX Recycling Challenge

September - Present

Recently, the Bay Area Leos have been focusing on helping the environment while involving our community as much as possible. This is what inspired us to participate in the TREX recycling challenge, where we collect recylable plastics from the community, sort it, and send them off to TREX. For each 500lbs of plastic we recycle, our club receives one park bench in our honor.

Art and Wine Festival


During the Millbrae Arts and Wine Festival, the Bay Area Leos sold water to raise money for our club while quenching passerby's thirst.

Monthly Park Clean Ups

Every month the Bay Area Leos clean the parks of San Mateo.


Explore our TREX recycling challenge!


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Become a Bay Area Leo!

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